1. Arrive 45-50 minutes before a scheduled dinner
2. Fill water goblets and place "centers" (butter, honey butter, and any salad dressing)
4. They arrive.
6. Prepare and serve salad, serve roll 1
8.Clear room and prepare dinner
9.Serve Dinner and roll 2
10. Clean and put away salad plates, prepare dessert
11. WAIT
12. Clear dinner plate, roll plate, and centers
13. Serve dessert
14. Clean dishes, eat and WAIT for your room to clear out so you can finish cleaning
So when we finish putting away all the clean dinner and dessert dishes, we get to eat all the left overs. Aka as many rolls, soda, cake, turkey, as you want. After you've loaded up your tray, all the servers head into a empty room and wait for the room to clear. So we get 20-30+ minutes for the room to clear to hang out. Last night i was with a rather interesting group of girls. Erin can be fussy but always hilarious, but last night was a special mixture of both. Before our dinner group started, Erin announced she would be leaving at 8. Something about her brother having a birthday dinner early and she wanted to attend, also her day at "the house" had been rather long. So at about 8 all the servers go to eat dinner and Erin follows us all in. After plopping down, she begins to laugh hysterically and says if she doesn't laugh she will cry because she is so tired. Whats new kid? I'm always tired. Any who, we all start laughing at her and she exclaims "I dont even want to go, my brother wont be there. He is still locked up in Davis County" Again, we keep laughing at her and now her brother is in jail and it adds so much more humor to her story. She tells us how he stole something but he gets to work at the jail, and if he earns enough he can pay to get out for holidays and such. Still funny to us. Then Anna, another server, goes "my brothers are in prison too." HAHAHAHA, right? let her finish "Yea, one brother has fetal alcohol syndrome and the other got accused of rape. We never get to see him." Then she cracks up.
SOOO AWKWARD! oh my crap. How do i get stuck in these situations. But you can bet your bottom dollar, my blank stare spoke the thousand thoughts i wasn't saying. Bless the Lion House, and the special felon family members that belong to it.
thats some Cray cray right there katie!